Our Faculty Bruno Bodin
A headshot of smiling Bruno Bodin who has brown hair and a beard, wearing a brown shirt and half-rimmed glasses.
Bruno Bodin
Science (Computer Science)
Assistant Professor

Prior to joining Yale-NUS College, Assistant Professor Bruno Bodin was a Senior Research Associate at the University of Edinburgh, a Visiting Research Fellow at INRIA ENS, Paris and a Software Engineer at Kalray, Paris. He received his PhD in Computer Science at the University Pierre and Marie Curie, France, in 2013.

Asst Prof Bodin’s current research interests include performance analysis and optimisation; embedded systems and robotic applications. His work on dataflow analysis and compilation has been adopted by Kalray, a semiconductor company that makes a many core-system-on-chip for embedded systems. He also leads the design and development of SLAMBench, a performance evaluation framework for Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping systems (SLAM) that is used by industry partners. Asst Prof Bodin has published over 20 papers in premier international journals and conferences in his areas: ASPLOS, DAC, EMSOFT, ICRA, PACT.

Research Specialisations
  • Performance Analysis and Optimisation
  • Dataflow Models and Applications
  • Heterogeneous Computing

SLAMBench2: Multi-Objective Head-to-Head Benchmarking for Visual SLAM , Bodin, B., Wagstaff, H., Saeedi, S., Nardi, L., Vespa, . E., Mayer, J. H., Nisbet, A., Luján, M., Furber, S., Davison, A. J., Kelly, P. H. J. & O’Boyle, M. Proc. of The International Conference in Robotics and Automation ICRA’18.

Automatic matching of legacy code to heterogeneous APIs: An idiomatic approach , Ginsbach, P., Remmelg, T., Steuwer, M., Bodin, B., Dubach, C. & O’Boyle, M. 23rd ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems ASPLOS’18.

Optimal and fast throughput evaluation of CSDF, B Bodin, A Munier-Kordon, BD de Dinechin – Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Design Automation Conference, 2016.

  • ‘Programming for Data Science
  • Operating Systems
  • Software Engineering
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