Our Faculty David Andrew Smith
A headshot of smiling David Andrew Smith who has long brown hair and is wearing a black shirt. There is greenery in the background.
David Andrew Smith
Science (Mathematics)
Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor David Smith received his Master’s degree in Mathematics from University of York, United Kingdom in 2007 and his PhD from University of Reading in 2011. Before joining Yale-NUS College in 2016, he held postdoctoral fellowships at University of Michigan, University of Cincinnati and University of Crete.

Asst Prof Smith’s research focuses on the spectral theory of non-self-adjoint two-point differential operators, well-posedness of initial-boundary value problems for linear partial differential equations, complex boundary conditions, solution representations for initial-boundary value problems, long-time and semiclassical asymptotics of initial-boundary value problems for linear and nonlinear evolution equations.

Research Specialisations
  • Spectral theory of non-self-adjoint two-point differential operators.
  • Well-posedness of initial-boundary value problems for linear partial differential equations.
  • Complex boundary conditions.
  • Solution representations for initial-boundary value problems.
  • Long-time and semiclassical asymptotics of initial-boundary value problems for linear and nonlinear evolution equations.

See dasmithmaths.com/publications.html for a full list.


S. Aitzhan, S. Bhandari, D. A. Smith Fokas diagonalization of piecewise constant coefficient linear differential operators on finite intervals and networks, 2020, arXiv:2012.05638 [math.SP]

D. A. Smith, T. Trogdon, V. Vasan Linear dispersive shocks, 2019, arXiv:1908.08716 [math.AP]

Journal Articles

L. Boulton, P. J. Olver, B. Pelloni, D. A. Smith New revival phenomena for linear integro-differential equations, Stud. Appl. Math. (to appear 2021) arXiv:2010.01320 [math.AP]

D. A. Smith, W. Y. Toh Linear evolution equations on the half line with dynamic boundary conditions, Eur. J. Appl. Math. (to appear 2021) arXiv:1910.08764 [math.AP]

P. J. Olver, N. E. Sheils, D. A. Smith Revivals and fractalisation in the linear free space Schrödinger equation, Quart. Appl. Math. 78 2 (2020), 161-192, arXiv:1812.08637 [math.PH]

P. D. Miller, D. A. Smith The diffusion equation with nonlocal data, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 466 2 (2018), 1119-1143, arXiv:1708.00972 [math.AP]

B. Pelloni, D. A. Smith Nonlocal and multipoint boundary value problems for linear evolution equations, Stud. Appl. Math. 141 1 (2018), 46-88, arXiv:1511.07244 [math.AP]

E. Kesici, B. Pelloni, T. Pryer, D. A. Smith A numerical implementation of the unified Fokas transform for evolution problems on a finite interval, Euro, J. Appl. Math. 29 3 (2018), 543-567, arXiv:1610.04509 [math.NA]

B. Deconinck, N. E. Sheils, D. A. Smith The Linear KdV Equation with an Interface, Comm. Math. Phys. 347 2 (2016), 489-509, arXiv:1508.03596 [math.AP]

A. S. Fokas, D. A. Smith Evolution PDEs and augmented eigenfunctions. Finite interval, Adv. Diff. Eq., 21 7/8 (2016), 735-766, arXiv:1303.2205 [math.SP]

B. Pelloni, D. A. Smith Evolution PDEs and augmented eigenfunctions. Half line, J. Spectr. Theory, 6 1 (2016), 185-213, arXiv:1408.3657 [math.AP]

N. E. Sheils, D. A. Smith Heat equation on a network using the Fokas method, J. Phys. A 48 33 (2015), 335001, arXiv:1503.05228 [math.AP]

B. Pelloni, D. A. Smith Spectral theory of some non-selfadjoint linear differential operators, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 469 2154 (2013), 20130019, arXiv:1205.4567 [math.SP]

D. A. Smith Well-posed two-point initial-boundary value problems with arbitrary boundary conditions, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 152 3 (2012), 473-496, arXiv:1104.5571v2 [math.AP]

Peer-reviewed book chapter

D. A. Smith The unified transform method for linear initial-boundary value problems: a spectral interpretation, Unified transform method for boundary value problems: applications and advances, Ed: A. S. Fokas and B. Pelloni, SIAM (2015), arXiv:1408.3659 [math.SP]

Magazine article

D. A. Smith Revivals and fractalization, Dynamical Systems Web 2020 2 (2020), 1-8, DSWeb

PhD thesis

D. A. Smith Spectral theory of ordinary and partial linear differential operators on finite intervals, PhD Thesis, University of Reading, 2011,

Peer-reviewed conference proceedings (mathematics education)

D. A. Smith Collaborative peer feedback, Proceedings of ICEduTech 2017, IADIS (2017) 183-186

  • Proof
  • Ordinary & Partial Differential Equations
  • Quantitative Reasoning
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