Letter from the President May 2023
Letter from the President May 2023 Letter from the President May 2023 Letter from the President May 2023

5 May 2023

Dear Yale-NUS community and friends,

Academic Year 2022/2023 has been an amazing and fulfilling one for us at Yale-NUS College on various counts. Our graduates continued to be highly sought after in the marketplace, as shown in the latest Joint Autonomous Universities Graduate Employment Survey (JAUGES) which reported that close to 90 per cent of Yale-NUS graduates secured employment within six months of completing their final examinations, and the median gross monthly salary in 2022 was S$5,000.

We have started new traditions such as a Convocation, and a prom night for our students, organised our inaugural Geopolitics Conference, welcomed distinguished Yale visiting professors, charted out our courses through to 2025, and more. We also saw many purposeful student-led initiatives such as the community dialogues and student organisation activities that brought students from Yale-NUS and NUS College (NUSC) together, and the showcases and performances that our students have put up to celebrate the end of the semester.

As I look back at the academic year that’s ending, I am filled with pride at what our students, faculty, staff and alumni have achieved as a community and the passion in all of them towards building our community and our legacy. We could not have achieved all these without the strong support of parents, families and friends, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support.

Next week, we are thrilled to hold two in-person graduation ceremonies to celebrate the Classes of 2023, 2020 and 2021. Due to COVID-19, the Classes of 2020 and 2021 had a virtual graduation ceremony, and we are pleased to welcome them back for an in-person celebration and reunion.

With another class joining our alumni family, I am heartened to see a renewed continuity in our legacy building work.

In my earlier letters, I shared about the legacy projects that Yale-NUS College is embarking on. I’m pleased to update you that our various legacy projects are shaping up, among which is the Digital Legacy Platform that we aim to launch in the next academic year. Besides the Digital Legacy Platform, we are also starting to collate artefacts and stories for the Heritage Wall and Legacy Book, respectively. A webpage has been set up for community members and friends to submit your contributions. Besides collecting items such as used copies of the Common Curriculum textbooks and Yale-NUS memorabilia like badges and tumblers from our students, we also welcome friends of the College to share with us reflections of your important moments of the College, such as attending our events, or stories of how your child has transformed during their time here. You can find out more about how you can contribute by accessing this link

Once again, I thank you for your strong support for Yale-NUS College and I look forward to seeing you at our events.


Joanne Roberts

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