Find Other Yalies
Find Other Yalies Find Other Yalies Find Other Yalies

On the “Find Other Yalies” page, you can connect with other Yale and Yale-NUS students and alumni whom Cross Campus has recommended to you based on your location, industry, and interests. You can also search for other Cross Campus users based on your search criteria.


If you find people you are interested in, you can bookmark their profiles and come back to them later on by clicking the bookmark icon in the top right corner of the profile card.

To see all the people you have bookmarked, click the “People You’ve Bookmarked” button in the search bar.

Contacting Other Users

Connect with other users on Cross Campus by clicking the “Let’s Connect” button at the bottom of their profile card. Cross Campus provides you the option of three different pre-written message templates, which you can use as a starting point for reaching out and can personalise for your specific situation.

To see all the people you have contacted previously, click the “People You’ve Contacted” button in the search bar.

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