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Research Research Research

The AIR programme at Yale-NUS is cutting-edge and forward-looking. It is a critical nexus where leading international and local artists and researchers gather to create knowledge through artistic practices as research. The programme is a leader in its multi- and inter-disciplinary approach to knowledge creation. It is a forerunner of what academia might be like in the near future as we move towards interdisciplinary education.

—Peilin Liang

AIR Selection Committee Member,

Associate Professor of Theatre Studies,


An Archipelagic AIR Podcast – Episode Three

Beatrice Glow

Going along this continued conversation that we have been having about archipelagic thinking, it dovetails well with diasporic thinking, relational thinking, empathetic thinking and that really helped me look at the map of Austronesia in a different layered way. —Beatrice Glow

This is the third in a series of conversations with artists-in-residence (AIR) linked by a wet wave of archipelagic consciousness at Yale-NUS College in Singapore. In this episode, host James Jack welcomes artist-in-residence Beatrice Glow to discuss her artistic work and creative research. In conversation with curator Sidd Perez, they discuss residency as “portal”, commemorations of Banda and empires of smoke.

January 2021 – Singapore Art Week Event

The AIR Programme organized a public open studio event with artist Beatrice Glow at the studio in Gillman Barracks made possible through an institutional partnership with NTU Centre for Contemporary Art Residencies programme. In this lively event held over two-days, visitors enjoyed interacting with the artist and her silk works, 3D sculptures as well as stories that empower alternative visions in conjunction with Singapore Art Week.

An Archipelagic AIR Podcast – Episode Two

Sai Hua Kuan Chen

Sometimes I’m like water…working around questions, I manoeuvre around quite a lot with things…let’s take material itself. I will not force the material to work against their will. I will use the material itself to understand it before I work with it. —Sai Hua Kuan Chen

This is the second in a series of conversations with artists-in-residence (AIR) linked by a wet wave of archipelagic consciousness at Yale-NUS College in Singapore. In this episode, host James Jack welcomes artist-in-residence Sai Hua Kuan Chen to discuss his artistic work and creative research. In conversation with art historian and curator Marc Glöde, they discuss collaborative frameworks, manoeuvering with materials, and Hainanese opera in Singapore.

An Archipelagic AIR Podcast – Episode One

Andrew S Yang & Christa Donner

“I think one thing thinking expansively about the garden does is breaks down the very parochial notion that we’re somehow very exceptional and those kinds of social and communicative dynamics don’t happen in the non-human world.”  —Andrew S Yang

“A spiritual relationship with the land, and with the plants and animals, I think adds a really rich layer to things I will continue to think about. I think that really made a big impact on me and the way I approach nature with a different kind of reverence.” — Christa Donner

This is the first in a series of conversations with artists-in-residence (AIR) linked by a wet wave of archipelagic consciousness at Yale-NUS College in Singapore. In this episode, host James Jack explains the aims of the AIR programme followed by inaugural artists-in-residence Andrew S Yang and Christa Donner discussing their artistic work and creative research during the pandemic. In conversation with art historian and curator Michelle Lim, topics include botanical invitations, thinking expansively with gardens, the texture of time and ethical cohabitation.

Public Lecture Series

Everything that has a point

Artist Chen Sai Hua Kuan discusses his practice, Sculpting Movement course at Yale-NUS and his residency project; a video art research project that investigates the roots and development of Singapore Chinese opera as a way of making sense of the present identity of Southeast Asian Chinese.

Yale-NUS College Library exhibition
Why Not? – October-November 2020 Maquettes for Artworks by Sai

Maquettes for sculptural artworks by Chen Sai Hua Kuan displayed alongside a slideshow and selection of publications from the Yale-NUS Library relevant to his art practice and the Sculpting Movement course.

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Yale-NUS College Library exhibition

Library Leaves – January-May 2020 A Bibliographic Interactive Installation

In their studio art course, Culturing Nature: Gardens in Ecological Art, students worked with Yang and Donner to create annotated bibliographies  on ecological and aesthetics themes of  their own choosing as a way to highlight remarkable books that might otherwise evade casual notice in the stacks, and whose topics connect to other books in the library in unexpected but potent ways. They then created leaf-shaped bookmarks that could be inserted directly into the library stacks as a way to flag these selected books in an intervention entitled ‘Library Leaves’.

Student in the exhibition
Image of students interacting with the exhibition
Image of students interacting with the exhibition
Student in the exhibition
Student in the exhibition
A Library Intervention with artists Yang and Donner
Image of students interacting with the exhibition
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