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Capstone Capstone Capstone

Every student in the Arts and Humanities major will either undertake a capstone project or take the Capstone by Coursework option.

Option 1: Capstone Project

Students interested in undertaking a yearlong capstone project will receive thorough guidance in semester one of the student’s final year at the College in a Capstone Seminar course. An Arts and Humanities capstone research project can take several different forms, depending on a student‘s area of focus. The Capstone Seminar course will support the implementation of the capstone project through the development of self-regulated research excellence. Students taking this course will pursue their projects together, learning to critique and improve each other’s written proposals in a seminar setting. Over the semester, students will fine-tune research skills and oral and written communication skills collaboratively.

Option 2: Capstone by Coursework

Students interested in deepening their knowledge of particular subject areas that are already covered through existing courses available in the major are encouraged to take the Capstone by Coursework option to satisfy their Arts and Humanities Capstone requirement.

The Capstone by coursework option will involve two 5Unit semester-long courses. The student taking this option will need to inform the Head of Studies before registering. All 4000-level courses offered in the Arts and Humanities major will count towards the Capstone by coursework. 3000-level courses may also count towards the Capstone by coursework with prior approval from the Head of Studies and the instructor of the course.

Under certain circumstances, and with permission, a 5Unit 4000-level course in a cognate major, an advanced-level course taken on a semester abroad program during the senior year, or an advanced-level course offered at NUS, may fulfil the requirement.