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Social Impact Programming
Social Impact Programming Social Impact Programming Social Impact Programming

CIPE offers an array of skills-focused, experiential learning opportunities available to all students. Our goal is to support students to deepen their self-awareness, learn to work collaboratively with others, and commit to common purpose with their community.   

People's hands holding multiple photos of buildings and its facilities with different sizes and shapes arranged on a table.

A series of experiential, skills-focused workshops intended to support students in thoughtful and committed engagement.  

Social Impact at Yale-NUS 

At Yale-NUS, social impact programming is premised on the Social Change Model of Development, and aligned with Leadership programming offered. 

Learning objectives 

Through participation and practice, students will 

  • Learn to interact appropriately, sensitively and self-critically with the communities for whom they work, and appreciate the knowledge, wisdom, skills and diversity that they possess (Perspective); 
  • Cultivate skills and capacity to work constructively across organisations, communities, and sectors to tackle problems and promote the public good (Capacity); 
  • Be motivated to align their personal, academic, and professional choices with their greatest gifts and society’s greatest needs (Civic Engagement).