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Week 7 LABs Week 7 LABs Week 7 LABs
Week 7 LABs
What are Week 7 LABs?

Week 7 LABs are faculty-led experiential learning projects of up to one week that draw on themes of the Common Curriculum. Week 7 LAB projects enable students to engage new perspectives, interact with practitioners and professionals, challenge assumptions and make connections between classroom learning and real-world experiences. Week 7 LABs culminates in a symposium where first-year students present what they have learned to the larger Yale-NUS community.

As a flagship programme, Week 7 LABs emphasises experiential and interdisciplinary learning, as well as innovative pedagogy, which forms the core of the Yale-NUS experience.

Featured Week 7 Lab Projects
Experiencing Nature: Writing and Creating as a Means of Observing the Natural World
Experiencing Nature: Writing and Creating as a Means of Observing the Natural World

Students were introduced to the concepts of ecology and evolution. They also devoted their time to reflective writing about their experiences and other creative activites, such as recording soundscapes.

Meetings with the Sea: Eurasian Culture, Racialised Identities, and Forms of Urbanity
Meetings with the Sea: Eurasian Culture, Racialised Identities, and Forms of Urbanity

Students explored stories, archives, and imaginaries of interconnection, exchange, and transaction in Singapore and Malacca.

The Past in the Present: History and Memory in Singapore and Bintan
The Past in the Present: History and Memory in Singapore and Bintan

Students were introduced to the various ways in which the past is remembered in Singapore and its neighbours, the interconnected history of the region, and the shifting relationship between public memory and history.