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Dance Dance Dance

The Society of Yale-NUS Dancers (sYNCd) logo.

Society of Yale-NUS Dancers (sYNCd)

The Society of Yale-NUS Community Dancers (sYNCd) is an umbrella organization founded by the first batch of Yale-NUS students that today unites 8 dance genres – Argentine Tango, Ballet, Bollybhangra, Contemporary, Dancehall, Hip Hop, Jazz Funk, and K-POP.  sYNCd’s diverse dance groups seek to hone their skills through consistent trainings with professional instructors, and each year, this culminates in the annual sYNCd showcase. With COVID-19, sYNCd genres have broadened their skillset to include that of video production. sYNCd also holds an annual dance camp that allows the wider Yale-NUS community to explore various styles of dance, creating an inclusive and close-knit family that all are welcome to be part of!

Two students performing ballroom where a male student wearing white t-shirt and black pants are lifting the other female student who wears white dress during a ballroom performance at the Yale-NUS Black Box Theatre.

Ballroom Society

Yale-NUS Ballroom Society comprises the Standard and Latin branches, dedicated to providing a holistic dance education and experience for its members. We espouse Ballroom as an art, where members express themselves through performances. We also believe Ballroom is a sport, where members hone their mastery of technique through trainings and competitions. Tapping on the social nature of Ballroom, we aim to create a community that brings Yale-NUS students together by organising open classes and soirées for those interested in exploring the dance. Additionally, recognising the space that Ballroom can take in the wider Singaporean community, we share our love and passion for the dance as part of outreach efforts. Aligned with our strong belief in accessibility, Yale-NUS Ballroom Society welcomes all who are interested to participate regardless of their background or identity.