The Tan Chin Tuan Foundation is a Founding Benefactor of Yale-NUS College. The Foundation was established in 1976 by the late banker and philanthropist, Tan Sri (Dr) Tan Chin Tuan (1908 – 2005) to share with society the rewards of a highly illustrious career.
The role of the Foundation is to be a catalyst and driver in creating a multiplier effect when giving, reflecting the founder’s philosophy of how money should be channeled for social good. The Foundation strives to support causes and projects that are viable, sustainable, and well-managed with definable social outcomes.
A New Era of Geopolitics Series
China’s meteoric rise as a global power has not been without tensions and it is clear we are in a new era of great power competition. For much of the world, this brings challenges and uncertainty to how they conduct their foreign economic and trade policies as they seek to avoid – when possible, choosing sides. For Singapore and Southeast Asia, maintaining strategic autonomy will be the challenge of the coming years. Navigating this new reality requires a deep understanding of the cultural, political and economic challenges. Yale-NUS College is uniquely well-positioned to be a bridge, mediator and convener between the United States, China, ASEAN and beyond. Partnering with the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore and the Jackson School of Global Affairs at Yale University, we develop programmes that brings globally and regionally renowned scholars and practitioners to offer insights on the changing global order.
Tan Chin Tuan Chinese Culture and Civilisation Programme
The programme aims to increase the understanding of China and Chinese Culture and supports the Tan Chin Tuan Professorship in China/ Chinese Studies, currently held by Professor Scott Cook, the Chinese Language Studies Programme & Scholarships, which provides language programmes both in Singapore and overseas, and faculty research related to projects within the areas of Chinese cultural studies. The Tan Chin Tuan Foundation also lends its name to one of the College’s largest lecture hall, the Tan Chin Tuan Lecture Hall.