Assistant Professor Andreas Heinecke received his Diploma in Mathematics from the Technical University of Dresden, Germany, in 2007 and his PhD in Mathematics from the University of Missouri-Columbia, USA, in 2012. Subsequently, he became a postdoctoral research fellow with the Department of Mathematics and the Centre for Wavelets, Approximation and Information Processing at the National University of Singapore, before joining Yale-NUS College in 2015.
Asst Prof Heinecke’s research focuses on applied harmonic and functional analysis, in particular frame theory, time-frequency analysis and wavelets along with their applications to signal and data processing. His interests also include the treatment of resulting sparse approximation and inverse problems.
Research Specialisations- Applied harmonic analysis
- Frame theory
- Wavelet analysis
- Mathematical signal processing
A. Heinecke, L. Ye, M. De Iorio and T. Ebbels, Bayesian deconvolution and quantifcation from J-resolved NMR spectroscopy, Bayesian Analysis, Advance Publication, 1 – 34 (2021), doi:10.1214/20-BA1208.
A. Heinecke, M. Tallarita and M. De Iorio, Bayesian splines versus fractional polynomials in network meta-analysis, BMC Med Research Methodol, 20(1):261 (2020), doi: 10.1186/s12874-020-01113-9.
A. Heinecke, J. Ho and W. Hwang, Universal approximation and refinement via sparsely connected deep ReLU convolution nets, IEEE Signal Process Letters, 99:1-1 (2020), 1175-1179.
N. Le Bert, U.S. Gill, M. Hong, K. Kunasegaran, D.Z.M. Tan, R. Ahmad, Y. Cheng, C.A. Dutertre, A. Heinecke, L. Rivino, A. Tan, N.K. Hansi, M. Zhang, S. Xi, Y. Chong, S. Panz, E.W. Newell, P.T.F. Kennedy, A. Bertoletti, Effects of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen on Virus specific and Global T Cells in Patients With Chronic HBV infection, Gastroenterology, 159(2) (2020), 652-664.
W. Hwang and A. Heinecke, Un-Rectifying Non-Linear Networks for Signal Representation, IEEE Trans Signal Process, 68 (2019), 196-210.
Z. Fan, A. Heinecke and Z. Shen, Duality for frames, J Fourier Anal Appl, 22(1) (2016), 71–136.
P. Casazza, A. Heinecke, K. Kornelson, Y. Wang and Z. Zhou, Necessary and sufficient conditions to perform spectral tetris, Linear Algebra Appl, 438(5) (2013), 2239–2255.
P. Casazza, M. Fickus, A. Heinecke, Y. Wang and Z. Zhou, Spectral tetris fusion frame constructions, J Fourier Anal Appl, 18(4) (2012) 828–851.
P. Casazza, A. Heinecke, F. Krahmer and G. Kutyniok, Optimally sparse frames, IEEE Trans Inform Theory, 57 (2011), 7279–7287.
R. Calderbank, P. Casazza, A. Heinecke, G. Kutyniok and A. Pezeshki, Sparse fusion frames: existence and construction, Adv Comput Math, 35(1) (2011), 1–31.
R. Calderbank, P. Casazza, A. Heinecke, G. Kutyniok and A. Pezeshki, Constructing fusion frames with desired parameters, Wavelets XIII (San Diego, CA, 2009), SPIE Proc. 744612-1–744612-10.
- Quantitative Reasoning
- Scientific Inquiry
- Introduction to Real Analysis
- Foundations of Applied Mathematics
- Applied Harmonic Analysis
- Linear Algebra
- Mathematical Signal Processing
- Mathematical Methods for Physical Scientists
- Calculus
- Advanced Calculus