Associate Professor Ng Hui Khoon obtained her Bachelors in Physics and Mathematics at Cornell University in 2002, under the support of a Defence Science and Technology Training Award from Singapore. She was awarded the Paul Hartman Prize from the University for her undergraduate work. She continued at Cornell to do a Masters in Applied Engineering Physics, during which she received the David Delano Clark Prize for Best Masters Thesis (Physics and Applied Physics). She then returned to Singapore to work at DSO National Laboratories for a year, before going for her PhD studies in Physics at the California Institute of Technology, under the generous support of a Betty and Gordon Moore Fellowship. After her graduation in 2009, she held joint appointments as a Senior Member of Technical Staff at DSO National Laboratories and as a Research Fellow at the Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT), National University of Singapore. She joined Yale-NUS in July 2013, and continues to hold a joint appointment at CQT.
Assoc Prof Ng is a CQT Fellow at the Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT) in the National University of Singapore (NUS), and the NUS Deputy Director of MajuLab, a Singapore-France joint lab that focuses on many aspects of quantum science. She is also a Co-Editor for Europhysics Letters, the letter journal for the European Physical Society, and an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering.
Assoc Prof Ng and her group in CQT studies quantum systems for the purpose of quantum information processing. Her research interests centre around the question of noise and its effects on quantum information and quantum computation. Given the fragile nature of quantum phenomena, noise is the main stumbling block in attempts at accessing and controlling quantum systems, and remains the biggest obstacle to realisation of useful quantum computers. Her specific expertise is in quantum error correction and fault tolerance for noise control in quantum computing devices. Her recent focus has been on bridging the gap between in-principle theoretical fault-tolerant ideas and the practicalities of implementing those ideas in experiments.
- Quantum computing
- Noise characterization in quantum computing systems
- Quantum error correction
- Fault-tolerant quantum computing
Latest articles
M Fellous-Asiani, JH Chai, Y Thonnart, HK Ng, RS Whitney, and A Auffèves, Optimizing resource efficiencies for scalable full-stack quantum computers, accepted for publication in PRX Quantum (2023) (arXiv:2209.05469).
J Qi, X Xu, D Poletti, and HK Ng, Efficacy of noisy dynamical decoupling, Phys Rev A 107, 032615 (2023) (arXiv:2209.9039).
JH Chai and HK Ng, On the fault-tolerance threshold for surface codes with general noise, Adv Quantum Technol, 2200008 (2022) (invited article) (arXiv:2207.00217).
A Jayashankar, My DHL, HK Ng, and P Mandayam, Achieving fault tolerance against amplitude-damping noise, Phys Rev Research 4, 023034 (2022) (arXiv:2107.05485).
Selected older articles
M Fellous-Asiani, JH Chai, RS Whitney, A Auffèves, and HK Ng, Limitations in quantum computing from resource constraints, PRX Quantum 2, 040335 (2021) (arXiv:2007.01966).
Y Gu, R Mishra, B-G Englert, and HK Ng, Randomized linear gate set tomography, PRX Quantum 2, 030328 (2021) (arXiv:2010.12235).
Y Quek, S Fort, and HK Ng, Adaptive Quantum State Tomography with Neural Networks, npj Quantum Inf 7, 105 (2021)(arXiv:1812.06693).
A Jayashankar, AM Babu, HK Ng, and P Mandayam, Finding good codes using the Cartan form, Phys Rev A 101, 042307 (2020).
J Shang, Z Zhang, and HK Ng, Superfast maximum likelihood reconstruction for quantum tomography, Phys Rev A 95, 062338 (2017).
J Shang, HK Ng, A Sehrawat, X Li, and B-G Englert, Optimal error regions for quantum state estimation, New J Phys 15, 123026 (2013).
HK Ng, DA Lidar, and J Preskill, Combining dynamical decoupling with fault-tolerant quantum computation, Phys Rev A 84, 012305 (2011).
HK Ng and P Mandayam, Simple approach to approximate quantum error correction based on the transpose channel, Phys Rev A 81, 062342 (2010).
R Blume-Kohout, HK Ng, D Poulin, and L Viola, Characterizing the structure of preserved information in quantum processes, Phys Rev Lett 100, 030501 (2008).
- Classical Mechanics
- Theory of Quantum Information and Computation
- Physical Sciences Research Seminar
- Scientific Inquiry 2