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Our Faculty Olivier Danvy
A headshot of smiling Olivier Danvy who has short white hair, a mustache, and a beard. He is wearing glasses with a grey frame and a blue collared jacket with a white collared shirt underneath. He is standing in front of greenery.
Olivier Danvy
Science (Computer Science)

Professor Danvy received his undergraduate degree (DEUG Sciences et Structures de la Matière) at the Université de Haute Normandie, in France. His alma mater (“nourishing mother”) is the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), where he defended a PhD (“License to conduct research”) in 1986 and a Habilitation (“License to direct research”) in 1993. He could, however, not leave well enough alone and so he defended a DSc (“Doctorate of Science”) in 2006 at Aarhus University in Denmark, making it his alma socrus (“nourishing mother-in-law”; he is also married to a Dane in real life). Prior to that, he joined Professor Neil D Jones’s research group in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen as an Inria-funded post-doctorate to study self-applicable partial evaluation and he stayed there two more years as an assistant professor. He then toured the United States for four years (visiting Stanford University, Indiana University, Kansas State University, and Carnegie Mellon University, and spending a summer at Yale University, another at Xerox PARC, and a third at the Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology) before returning to Denmark and joining the Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University, where he contributed to the BRICS Center of Excellence and the BRICS PhD School for a decade. Throughout it all, he managed to supervise over 20 PhD students, totalling over 10 distinct nationalities, and due to the prolificity of these PhD students, he is now in position to hear the pitter patter of academic great-grandchildren’s feet. He positively loves to teach, and he concurs with Leo Rosten in that humour is the affectionate communication of insight and with Albus Dumbledore in that watching students grow is a joy. He also believes that if students can smile about something technical, they have already started to reflect about it.