Our Faculty Yong Zhang
Yong Zhang
Yong Zhang
Social Sciences (Urban Studies)

Trained as a geographer and urban planner, Dr Zhang’s research focuses on the governance of urbanisation and urbanism in China.

Dr Zhang holds a PhD in Human Geography from the University of Manchester, a Master of Urban and Regional Planning from Peking University, and a Bachelor’s degree in Economic Geography from Sun Yat-sen University.

Prior to joining Yale-NUS, Dr Zhang worked as an Associate Lecturer in the Department of Geography at Manchester Metropolitan University. He also used to serve as a Research Assistant to Chair Professor Anthony Yeh in the Department of Urban Planning and Design at The University of Hong Kong before undertaking his PhD.

Research Focus Areas
  • Comparative analysis of urban governance and policy mobility in Chinese cities, examining the role of public-private partnerships (PPPs) and the need for an overhaul of entrepreneurial urbanism theory to explain urban governance shifts.
  • Research on shifting Chinese urban governance arrangements in a post-rapid growth age, exploring how urban governance models evolve in response to changing economic, social, and environmental contexts.
  • Investigation of the impact of US-China technological decoupling on urban development and policy making in Chinese cities.
  • Examination of the internationalisation of Chinese urbanism amidst the ‘end of globalisation,’ with a particular focus on the Belt and Road Initiative’s role in shaping urbanisation trends and practices beyond China’s borders.
Research Specialisations
  • Urban governance
  • Urban geography
  • Critical economic geography
  • Urban planning theory

Recent publications:

Zhang Y. (in press). The scale question as an urban question: When state entrepreneurialism meets homo urbanicus. Transactions in Planning and Urban Research. Special issue: Urban dynamics across scales: Insights for Planning and Governance.

Zhang, Y. (2024). The partnership question as a scale question: Extending the theorization of entrepreneurial urbanism in China. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 48(5), 789-814. https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-2427.13266

Wei, Q., & Zhang, Y. (2024). Vertical expansion in the making: Planning against deindustrialization by promoting “Industry’s Going Upstairs” in Shenzhen. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 56(5), 1447-1461. https://doi.org/10.1177/0308518X241226889

  • Urbanization in China
  • Key Debates in Urban Planning and Policy
  • Cities and Economic Development
  • Community Development: In Search of the Kampung Spirit
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