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Our Faculty Zach Pang
A headshot of smiling Zach Pang who has short black hair, wearing glasses with a black frame and a light blue collared shirt. He is standing in front of a glass window in an office, from which different levels of the of the building can be seen.
Zach Pang
Science (Mathematics and Data Science)

Zach Pang is a researcher at the Bioprocessing Technology Institute, A*STAR where he applies advanced glycomic techniques in biopharmaceutical and food industries. He has a strong interest in applying mathematical techniques to solve biological and analytical chemistry problems.

He developed an interest in cross-disciplinary research when he was pursuing his Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering at the National University of Singapore, where he did his undergraduate research on cancer cell mechanics. He subsequently joined the Department of Bioengineering at Imperial College London to pursue his PhD under the A*STAR Scholarship. Zach Pang also holds a Master of Business Administration from Quantic School of Business and Technology and a postgraduate certificate in learning and teaching in higher education from the University of London. He is an associate fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK (AFHEA), a professional member of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), and a member of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (MIPEM).