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Course Offerings
Course Offerings Course Offerings Course Offerings

All students in the Innovation and Design minor are required to take 25 units of courses at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Yale-NUS to complete the degree requirements for the minor. Out of these 25 units, 20 will come from required courses offered at NUS. 5 units will come from a Yale-NUS elective that will need to be selected in consultation with the Faculty Coordinator of the minor.

Required Courses

NUS EG2201A. User-Centred Collaborative Design (4 Units)
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of design thinking and can be taken in Semester 2 of either Year 1 or 2.

NUS EG2301. Case Studies in Innovations (4 Units)
This course introduces students to innovation in the design thinking framework. Students will devise conceptual solutions to a problem through several group projects. This course can be taken in Semester 1 of either Year 2 or 3.

NUS EG3301R. Design Centric Programme (DCP) Project (12 Units)
This course focuses on the conceptualisation, implementation, and realisation of an engineering design solution to solve practical problems. It provides an avenue for students to experience an integrated design process where technology plays a central role. This year-long course starts in Semester 2 of Year 2 through to Semester 1 of Year 3.


One Yale-NUS course (5 Units) approved by the Yale-NUS faculty coordinator
The student will propose to the faculty coordinator how the selected course aligns with the 12 units DCP project. The Yale-NUS course can be from the Sciences, Humanities, or Social Sciences, and should either directly apply the ideas of design thinking or provide background knowledge for a problem to be addressed with design thinking. This course may not be double counted toward the student’s Yale-NUS major.