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Course Reserves
Course Reserves Course Reserves Course Reserves

Yale-NUS College will be using NUS Canvas this coming AY2023/2024 Semester 1. As a result of this transition, the process of handling E-Reserve requests will align with NUS Course Reserve policy. Please reference NUS Course Reserve policy HERE.

The Yale-NUS College Library’s Course Reserves Service allows Faculty to set aside materials for class use either physically or electronically through the learning management system (Canvas). Reserve lists include required and recommended readings. 

Students can access class reading lists electronically through Canvas and physically through the library catalogue here .

The library can make individual book chapters, journal, newspaper articles, weblinks available for class(es). Learn how to set up your Course Readings in Canvas here.

Placing materials on Course Reserve (RBR)​

Items placed in RBR for course reserve will have a 2-hour loan period for Print and 4-hour for DVDs. ​These materials are kept behind the Service Desk at the library. Related FAQs can be found here.​

Ask Us to Buy Books​

General purchase requests not related to reserves should be made by submitting a Purchase Request here.

Find a Physical Reserve Item​

  • Physical Reserves also known as RBR (Reserved Books and Reading) are kept behind the Service Desk at the library.​
  • Locate the book from the catalogue and approach the library service desk to borrow it. ​
  • You may borrow up to TWO RBR items at a time: ​
Loan period Overnight loan starts RBR items are due after Library opens the next day for overnight
Books 2 hours 2 hours before library closes RBR items are due after Library opens the next day for overnight
DVDs 4 hours 4 hours before library closes RBR items are due after Library opens the next day for overnight
  • RBR items cannot be reserved/placed on hold.​

Find Your Course Readings

  • Login to your Canvas account with your NUSNET ID and Password and click on Course Readings tab on the left.​ You can get more details steps to do this HERE.
  • These materials must not be copied or distributed for other purposes except as permitted under copyright law.

Yale-NUS College complies with the Singapore copyright law and the library takes guidance from NUS in this. Accordingly, Section 52 of the Copyright Act (Chapter 63)  has an exception, allowing the communication of multiple copies of reasonable portions articles or book chapters to students. ​

​More information on this can be located here .​

​Using the Course Reading System in Canvas ensures that you are abiding by the College’s  copyright permissions policy.