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Yale-NUS Stories Yale-NUS College moves to University Town

Yale-NUS College moves to University Town

Jacqueline Su
Published Oct 01, 2012

After months of planning and preparation, the entire team of administrative and faculty staff made the move from University Hall to the new Residential College 4 (RC4), University Town, printers, paintings and all. The Level 3 Office at University Hall had been home to the very first team of Yale-NUS staff since its inception two years ago.

Construction of the new College is underway and will be ready in 2015. Situated beside University Town, the new Yale-NUS College campus will feature architectural designs fuelled by academic vision – a space built for ‘nested communities’ in a ‘Community of Learning’. Meanwhile, for the next two years, the charming RC4 will provide the residential learning experience for the inaugural student intake of 2013, together with the College President, Deans and faculty.

Jacqueline Su
Published Oct 01, 2012

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