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Policies and Procedures
Policies and Procedures Policies and Procedures Policies and Procedures

Policies on Academic Freedom and Non-Discrimination

Yale-NUS College is committed to the following with respect to academic freedom and non-discrimination:

  • Academic Freedom

The College upholds the principles of academic freedom and open inquiry, essential core values in higher education of the highest calibre. Faculty and students in the College will be free to conduct scholarship and research and publish the results, and to teach in the classroom and express themselves on campus, bearing in mind the need to act in accordance with accepted scholarly and professional standards and the regulations of the College.

  • Non-Discrimination

The College is committed to basing judgments concerning the admission, education, and employment of individuals upon their qualifications and abilities. The College’s policies in respect to admissions, educational and extracurricular activities, and employment of faculty and administrative staff, are consistent with Yale’s and NUS’ policies on non-discrimination.

Yale-NUS College Whistleblowing Policy

Please find the Yale-NUS College Whistleblowing Policy here .

Reporting of staff or faculty misconduct can be made via email or in person or in writing in a sealed envelope, signed and marked “Confidential” to:

Chair of the Yale-NUS College Audit and Risk Committee
Yale-NUS College
16 College Avenue West, #01-220, Singapore 138527

NUS’ Non-Discrimination Policy

Click here  for NUS’ Non-Discrimination Policy

Yale’s Policy on Equal Opportunity

Click here  for Yale’s Policy on Equal Opportunity

Faculty Statement on the Freedom of Expression

We are firmly committed to the free expression of ideas in all forms—a central tenet of liberal arts education. There are no questions that cannot be asked, no answers that cannot be discussed and debated. This principle is a cornerstone of our institution.

Yale-NUS College Charter

Click here  for Yale-NUS College Charter