Inaugural recipient of the Wu Hsioh Kwang Family Study Award
Yale-NUS College is fully committed to helping our students afford an education here. The Admissions team practises a need-blind admissions policy, so that the ability to pay for an education at Yale-NUS does not affect the admissions decision in any way.
In addition, the College also offers a range of need-based awards to help ensure that Yale-NUS will always be accessible to talented students from the widest possible backgrounds. The awards are available to all students in Yale-NUS who indicate that they need financial assistance.
The Wu Hsioh Kwang Family Study Award is one such award, made possible by the generous donations of the Wu Hsioh Kwang family. The award was established to provide for needy students at Yale-NUS College.
Amelia Chew (Class of 2017) speaks with the inaugural recipient of the study award, Soh Wee Yang, Class of 2017, to find out more about his experience and how he has benefitted from it.
Why did you choose to come to Yale-NUS?
The opportunity to pursue a liberal arts education in my home country was a huge draw. In addition, the prospect of being part of a pioneer batch of students, setting goals and traditions for the College instead of merely following the footpath that others have trodden on, is a unique one.
How have you found the experience so far?
The Yale-NUS experience is indescribable – new sights, new knowledge and new experiences almost every day. Being able to hold deep conversations with people on anything, at any time and anywhere, has broadened my horizons in ways I could not have conceived of previously. Of course, being in the pioneer batch is far from a bed of roses, but it is heartening to see the growth of not just my peers but also the entire College.
What activities and student organisations are you involved in? Have you had the opportunity to pioneer a new group or activity at Yale-NUS?
Opportunities to pioneer a new group or activity at Yale-NUS College are aplenty. Along with a few peers, I founded the Yale-NUS College Investment Masterminds, which aims to educate students on financial literacy and current business affairs, as this will help ease them into a corporate career in the future. Through Masterminds, I organised a college-wide stock pitch competition and started a training programme that teaches students the basics of value-investing. I am also in various a capella groups and sYNC’d (the society of Yale-NUS College dancers) where I dance K-pop.
Moving forward, I hope to organise Yale-NUS’ first liberal arts festival for Singapore, which will showcase the multi-faceted side of the Yale-NUS experience to Singaporeans, as well as allow them to better understand the liberal arts curriculum and make more informed choices about their education.
Describe Yale-NUS in three words.
Experimental; Collective Effervescence (to quote Durkheim)
Describe yourself in three words.
Curious, audacious, reflective
What are your top three wishes for the College?
My first wish is for the College to be able to find its place in the world and for students to find their place in the larger community. Secondly, I hope that students and faculty alike will be patient and understanding in resolving difficulties and smoothing out the creases as the College finds its footing. My last wish is for Yale-NUS to remain true to its values and continue to be a bastion for free and responsible speech.
How have you benefitted from the study award?
Last semester, I was able to devote more time and attention to my studies and general well-being instead of fretting about part-time jobs to make ends meet. The study award has definitely eased the financial burden of my parents as well, which allowed them to channel more of their limited income into basic amenities and supplies for my family. I am honestly really thankful for the study award as it could not have come at a better time.
Wee Yang will be heading to India next week for the Pitt in the Himalayas Study Semester Study Abroad, made possible by the Centre for International and Professional Experience (CIPE).