Head of Studies

Ho Kong Chong
Social Sciences (Sociology, Urban Studies)
Associate Professor
Head of Studies, Urban Studies
Teaching Modules
- Urban Heritage: Place, Memory and Identity
- Urban Studies Capstone Project
- Social Life of Cities
- Social Policy and Social Planning
Teaching Faculty

Research Specialisations
- Politics of Urban Development, Innovation Networks, Urban Manufacturing, Citizen Empowerment, Participatory Governance
- Data Visualisation, Big Data, Participatory Data Collection
- Spatial Analysis, Social Network Analysis
Teaching Modules
- Geospatial and Demographic Methods
- Smart Cities – History of Urban Data in Urban Planning

Research Specialisations
- Infrastructure
- Transportation and mobility
- Urban change in South Asia
- Social control
- Gender and urban life
- Ethnographic methods
Teaching Modules
- Modern Social Thought

Teaching Modules
- Modern Social Thought
- Cityscapes and Urban Forms