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Study Abroad
Study Abroad Study Abroad Study Abroad

Students enhance their learning and exploration of Urban Studies by studying abroad and taking courses that Yale-NUS does not offer. Students also attend classes in universities that apply different approaches to studying the city such as an architectural history or public policy approach.

In addition, students experience living and studying in another city, travel to and learn about other urban contexts, and some even improve their foreign language skills.

Study Abroad Locations

Urban Studies students have pursued study abroad opportunities at the following Yale-NUS partner institutions:

  • Amherst College, USA
  • Barnard College, USA
  • Sciences Po (English language), France
  • Sophia University, Japan
  • Swarthmore College, USA
  • Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Spanish speakers only), Chile
  • University College London Arts & Sciences (BASc), UK
  • University College London Bartlett, UK
  • University College Utrecht, Netherlands
  • University of Virginia, USA
  • Uppsala University, Sweden
  • Vassar College, USA
  • Waseda University SILS, Japan
  • Yale University, USA
  • Yonsei University, Korea

Summer School

Urban Studies students also find it beneficial to attend a summer school programme. Summer school programmes allow students to explore applied aspects of Urban Studies, such as urban design or architecture or to build other skills, connect with like-minded students, and immerse themselves in a new city.

Some possible summer programmes that Urban Studies students might attend are listed below. These include programmes in development studies, architecture and design and social science.